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Instagram post downloader

Instagram Post Downloader

Currently supported :

This program is coded in two versions

  1. Command line :

    You can use this directly from the terminal using python

  2. Telegram Bot :

    You can create a telegram bot using python and deploy this in server


  1. Install python3 in your system
  2. Clone this repository to your system using the command git clone
  3. Make sure you installed all the requirements given in requirements.txt using the command pip install -r requirements.txt


For command line,

Go to the folder Command line folder , open up terminal and type python3

Enter the image url from instagram when prompting.

Your image will be downloaded in your current folder.

For telegram bot,

Go to the folder Telegram bot

Go to bot father and create a new bot and get the api token from it.

Replace the api token in the file with your api token

Open terminal and type python3

Start sending url to your bot, it give you images

Developed by

Jagadish R